WorkshopLives and works in Paris. A graduate of the Camondo school, Mathilde Jonquière created her first studio in 2000 in Paris. There she designed and created unique large-scale frescoes made of precious materials: Venetian enamel, glass paste and gold tesserae. For each of her projects, a precise work takes shape from a simple watercolor. The cutting of each tesserae and finally the installation of the mosaic in situ are carried out with his team. His sensitivity to color allows him to handle and associate with accuracy the nuances, the cameos and the contrasts. His knowledge of materials gives his works a unique and original dimension revealing the space by capturing the light. Combining technical knowledge of interior architecture and artistic sensitivity, she knows how to renew herself and propose, for each realization, a customized project like a work of Haute-couture. Her work is represented by Valérie Henry.
PortraitFor several years, Mathilde Jonquière has been revolutionizing the art of mosaics. Diverting the classical hierarchies, she expresses in a singular way the value relationship between the matte and the shiny, the bland and the colored, the empty and the full. Mathilde Jonquière creates unique intimist or monumental works. Inventive, her enchanting mosaics inscribe poetry in this conglomerate of materials. Her plastic work emancipates the mosaic from its primary uses - decorating, adorning, embellishing - to explore a new territory of creation.